Monday, September 24, 2012

No worries, be youself

I'd been worrying too much. Sometimes it's not the best if you worrying too much when chatting especially with friends. So where are the fun and laughter? If there is the need to follow the "standard filter" before giving a speech, doesn't it make everybody the same?? Remember, everybody has a beautifully unique brain patterns, that's make people have different perspective, like some people are creative, certain are logical thinking type. Plus, we're mature people, should be more readily to accept views, criticisms and I believe if that is a good point, everyone will agreed with it.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Male and Female Nowadays..

Have been quite some time didn't blog.. never know  how will my writing skill being regress...

Alright, here is the thing that raise my attention after having a tea with Mr. Chan (my ex-tuition teacher). Guys nowadays are less proactive compared to the opposite gender. Why?

He: So, currently you're graduated, not working yet..have you travel overseas?
Me: No.
He: Local?
Me: Nay
He: Your sister traveled a lot, she even been to Taiwan...What were you doing all this while?
He: This phenomenon can view from my research team too...The females dare to travel oversea alone even first timer, and aware of air tickets pricing...while guys, spending their own sweet time with lappy.. What happened? You know, during the old days, females were sitting at home woven clothes while guys used to going out a lot...Now the trend is switched. You know, you should now take advantage to travel alone, savior how the foreigners, modern citizen live, will definitely gain different perspective when back to home country. [This is so funny] Got chance go Japan and see, you're a man not a little girl, shouldn't worry..If got rape just treated it as giving a chance for 日本妹(Japanese chicks) to rape you.
*Burst into laughter*

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


I think I'm confident when I speak until I really spoke to a mind suddenly goes wrong and affecting how I speak...Damn, guess I need to go for public speaking academy...@@ OMG, I'm terribly Amature TT

No Sustainable Real Good Friendship Between 2 Men

Two male friendship are hard to sustain especially the other half is more appealing to others. Let's make an situation whereby both A and B guys were thrown into a female crowd. The A guy is good looking, humorous, and a sportsman type.While the B guy is optimistic, quiet and love smiling. As both of them pair up making them a totally contrast man quality.

Let say most of the females were attracted to A, how is the B emotionally feel? Unconfident? Jealous? What will happen in a long term? Will he find a way to discontinue this friendship? Will it be hard for him to share this problem to A?

Actually B is really really a good partner to A. But B just refuse to explain. Without B, A is alone. 

Friday, August 31, 2012

A matter of an EQ

I don't think struggle for improvement is bad. Benign competition is not a no good. As for ego problem is a matter of EQ . 提升自我是好的,但记得爱身边的人。

Ego problem

A good quality of a person is infectious I believe. Let say a little ordinary guy mix into a bunch of friends with good virtues, skills, knowledge, etc.. I think the guy will definitely getting improved. This changing will seen by others. But what's inside others mind? Will they getting jealous or feel threaten, 'oh, this guy is getting better than me, no can't, I must pull my socks up to get myself more improved.' Then it leads to ego problem between them. Start teasing and then become silence. Is it normally a used-to-be good friendship end up like  this way?

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

事业心 但不是 工作狂

This phrase finally enlighten me :)


So many affairs coming out from mind, it's just making my head going to burst. Today I'm very frustrated as I was rushing in looking for jobs. It's been virtually 3 months since I graduated from IMU. Look, touching my conscience, I don't wanna make my mum anxious for me as I haven't found any jobs. Yet, I know she care and never ask me frequently as she might think I might not put up with her or she scare of putting too much pressure on me. In fact there are many occasions made me sad and never make my parents proud of me.
Another issue that I worry of is whether will I losing myself if I stepped into the society. I meant in the interest  of making money, pressure from bosses, will I soon become a working machine that mold no self-personality and humanity?
I really hope I enjoy the prospective job I got and I think liking your job is just the perspective on how you see it. However, I want to be true to myself.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Could it be this Mood killer?

I would like to say that who doesn't have a dream girl/boy? Let it be your favorite artists, sports players, idols etc. When you're dreaming or admiring them, I bet the world you wanted is only between you and him/her........out of sudden a person (you don't really like) trying get into it...FUCK!!! The situation is like this, I got a female friend, she is good if she change the behavior of asking people many questions and talking loads of uninteresting topic. I bloody hope that she just treats me as a VERY MOST ORDINARY FRIEND. In addition, she don't have to "like" most of the posts I posted recently on FB. To avoid a wrong thinking on other people's mind. I've the urge to write this post after I posted my favourite Sharapova video, again she really spoiled my mood on this video...U know what it is.

Monday, July 30, 2012

I can't bear it anymore...

I'd try so hard to communicate, but things doesn't changed. A message can be deliver in many way as why must she need to make people feel so dumb? and in the end, the atmosphere became tense and silent for a while, don't she realized the way she communicate was inappropriate? To be honest, I'm the one who experienced it. There is no point continue the conversation, and I can't point out her mistake right away (should be done by third party) as the consequence will end up quarreling. At the end, the person who are suffering is me, where the anger confine in body find no where to release. I wonder doesn't this fundamental courtesy should be learned by her age? I'm sorry to say, but I'm suffer too..

Monday, July 9, 2012

A little leap in TKD

Ok, It's been a week for my TKD MAPCU Tournament (30/6/2012). Suppose I gonna fight 3 opponents to get a gold medal. The 1st bout was win by default. The second was against Brandon. Quite an experience fighter and I have been watching his fight since last MAPCU (2011). Before I step into the ring, coach, Master Wong Kai Meng told me not to retreat too much and he kick I kick to the other side. From what coach observed from his previous fight (luckily I asked him to watch), as well as what I studied, he tend to follow up with second kick if opponent moved backward and scored. Well, when the first round began, we both were waiting for each other's first move. I was aiming his head, what I planned to do is as his head is move forward, my turning kick gonna simultaneously reach his head. However, he seemed anticipate what I gonna do. So the waiting was too long till the coach asked me to attack and keep charging in and follow up. So I 'ice-break' the fight with excitement, his kept stepping backward till out of the ring. Soon the 1st round ended, the score was 1 : 1. He got a counter attack. The 2nd round, Master told me that he was shocked after he experienced my attack. So this round, Brandon was in more careful mode. However, still waiting too  long. As I picked up leg to perform check kick, discouraged by Master, what to do? I have to follow his order. While I charging in to attack, he manage to counter and hug (so won't have any distant for me to kick), that's the benefit of playing counter mode. Soon, the game ended and the score was 1 : 3. He won. I was like 'aiya'...haiz, still can fight one. Yet, overall, the performance was way better than before and during training. I have no idea how my kick suddenly become so fast. In the end, I got bronze and he got gold.

Monday, June 11, 2012


突然莫名其妙的自问一个问题--你“劲”没有?我的所谓的“劲”就是你有一个强项是大家都公认的,因此而认识你也自动找你。也就是说,如果不交你这个朋友或认识你,可能是他们的损失。 我?不知道,可能还在去发现吧。。哈哈。

Sunday, June 10, 2012



Monday, May 28, 2012

What kind of girl that impressed me

1. A girl with a good command of languages, be it English, BM or Chinese. Rather I will more impressed with the one who mastered 2 or more languages including Chinese.

2. A girl who is quietly intelligent.

3. A girl who is concentrating while working and not vulnerable to any distraction.

4. A girl who is naturally cute.

5. Not sure whether it is one of the quality.. Someone who looks more prettier as time goes on.

6. Physically good looking HAHAHAHA... Just being a normal human like u and me :p~

Yet, I saw a phrase quite truthful, "Beauty only gets attention, Personality is what captures the heart" :))

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Adding self value

The way u addressing will definitively portray your self image.  Say for an example, a good club leader always giving people an impression of credibility, good personality etc. But, suddenly this man come to you and talk to you in a flirty way...(ehem, in reality u won't feel that sexy, rather weird), so the whole good image will be going to rejudge again by others.

Another point is, even though a girl u fond of doesn't show the same feeling towards you, never mind. The thing you must possessed at least is some of accomplishments. Let it be a high academic achiever, getting "The Best..." Award, this will rather work as (1) you planted a good impression (2) the honour is always be there.

Again and again

I don't mind if a friend doesn't offer a help to me if I'm in a trouble, but if they see me in trouble just in front of their eyes, it rather make me feel weird without helping. I meant I don't felt really angry until I wanna choke them up but doesn't   it should be an "automatic" response to give a hand? My basketball strangely disappeared during the mist of the game. I stopped the game, by substituting me with a friend, so that I went around to look for that ball, alone. In between the game, I paused them and ask for their favor, however, they seem "don't give me a problem". But, my friends just keeping quiet. So, what I should do, just give my contact number to one of the people playing the basketball. I had no choice, looking around again before I get in the car without saying goodbye. I don't want such situation (I meant complication among people) burden me again, that's why the title is that.

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Now I'm starting to scared, worried about my result won't be good. In fact, I'm truly envy those who graduated with flying colours results, feel useless for not making my parents proud :( Or should I say I'm just unlucky? As in not making or encounter any good friends that would be somebody that give positive support, motivating and showing right path to me that finally lead us to success. In fact, study really take a long process to see the outcomes. Sometimes along the way, I would not know whether what I'm doing is right and worth..Always thinking why am I doing the hard way while  others doing an easier way? It starts making doubt at myself. Realizing what I should do was broaden my view, instead of confining into my own world, I should expose myself into more things that I do not know and learn from them.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Monday, April 2, 2012

A man who think he is so superior

So he thinks he is superior, so he acted he is so different, posting his stupid so-called philosophy, destroy people who make him jealous, look down on others who think s/he is useless to him. How superficial.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Little Girl Who Come to Destroy

Everything goes smoothly until she came. I don't mind she doesn't know anything, but don't mislead. I like people who teach things clear and detail instead of fast and not answering the question. I like to help, but the way she asking for help is inappropriate. The superior asked her for a favor, she turn her head and passed it to me. Don't forget you are not my superior, you're just as new as me (despite I'm just an internship student). Anyway, we're dealing with human biological sample, thus anything couldn't be delayed and have to carried out immediately. I'm doubt you not suppose to be in this department for this week, cause you mixed up the sequence. Sigh, can't help to express my feeling here cause she really messing up my mind.