Monday, July 9, 2012

A little leap in TKD

Ok, It's been a week for my TKD MAPCU Tournament (30/6/2012). Suppose I gonna fight 3 opponents to get a gold medal. The 1st bout was win by default. The second was against Brandon. Quite an experience fighter and I have been watching his fight since last MAPCU (2011). Before I step into the ring, coach, Master Wong Kai Meng told me not to retreat too much and he kick I kick to the other side. From what coach observed from his previous fight (luckily I asked him to watch), as well as what I studied, he tend to follow up with second kick if opponent moved backward and scored. Well, when the first round began, we both were waiting for each other's first move. I was aiming his head, what I planned to do is as his head is move forward, my turning kick gonna simultaneously reach his head. However, he seemed anticipate what I gonna do. So the waiting was too long till the coach asked me to attack and keep charging in and follow up. So I 'ice-break' the fight with excitement, his kept stepping backward till out of the ring. Soon the 1st round ended, the score was 1 : 1. He got a counter attack. The 2nd round, Master told me that he was shocked after he experienced my attack. So this round, Brandon was in more careful mode. However, still waiting too  long. As I picked up leg to perform check kick, discouraged by Master, what to do? I have to follow his order. While I charging in to attack, he manage to counter and hug (so won't have any distant for me to kick), that's the benefit of playing counter mode. Soon, the game ended and the score was 1 : 3. He won. I was like 'aiya'...haiz, still can fight one. Yet, overall, the performance was way better than before and during training. I have no idea how my kick suddenly become so fast. In the end, I got bronze and he got gold.


  1. haha..congratz bro! im very happy to know u still be able to follow the way of martial art...kinda jealous of u sumtime u know? =P

  2. Thanks, u can too, making ur uni life interesting is never a regret but remember to balance ur academic achievement too :)
