Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Male and Female Nowadays..

Have been quite some time didn't blog.. never know  how will my writing skill being regress...

Alright, here is the thing that raise my attention after having a tea with Mr. Chan (my ex-tuition teacher). Guys nowadays are less proactive compared to the opposite gender. Why?

He: So, currently you're graduated, not working yet..have you travel overseas?
Me: No.
He: Local?
Me: Nay
He: Your sister traveled a lot, she even been to Taiwan...What were you doing all this while?
He: This phenomenon can view from my research team too...The females dare to travel oversea alone even first timer, and aware of air tickets pricing...while guys, spending their own sweet time with lappy.. What happened? You know, during the old days, females were sitting at home woven clothes while guys used to going out a lot...Now the trend is switched. You know, you should now take advantage to travel alone, savior how the foreigners, modern citizen live, will definitely gain different perspective when back to home country. [This is so funny] Got chance go Japan and see, you're a man not a little girl, shouldn't worry..If got rape just treated it as giving a chance for 日本妹(Japanese chicks) to rape you.
*Burst into laughter*


  1. hahahahaha..darn funny la ur tutor! sounds like he oso very young! mayb 30+ oni? hehe..must be lots of experience huh? xD

  2. Nah..He seems late 30 or early 40..Yeah he has been traveling a lot due to his career as a lecturer and researcher :)
