Monday, May 28, 2012

What kind of girl that impressed me

1. A girl with a good command of languages, be it English, BM or Chinese. Rather I will more impressed with the one who mastered 2 or more languages including Chinese.

2. A girl who is quietly intelligent.

3. A girl who is concentrating while working and not vulnerable to any distraction.

4. A girl who is naturally cute.

5. Not sure whether it is one of the quality.. Someone who looks more prettier as time goes on.

6. Physically good looking HAHAHAHA... Just being a normal human like u and me :p~

Yet, I saw a phrase quite truthful, "Beauty only gets attention, Personality is what captures the heart" :))

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Adding self value

The way u addressing will definitively portray your self image.  Say for an example, a good club leader always giving people an impression of credibility, good personality etc. But, suddenly this man come to you and talk to you in a flirty way...(ehem, in reality u won't feel that sexy, rather weird), so the whole good image will be going to rejudge again by others.

Another point is, even though a girl u fond of doesn't show the same feeling towards you, never mind. The thing you must possessed at least is some of accomplishments. Let it be a high academic achiever, getting "The Best..." Award, this will rather work as (1) you planted a good impression (2) the honour is always be there.

Again and again

I don't mind if a friend doesn't offer a help to me if I'm in a trouble, but if they see me in trouble just in front of their eyes, it rather make me feel weird without helping. I meant I don't felt really angry until I wanna choke them up but doesn't   it should be an "automatic" response to give a hand? My basketball strangely disappeared during the mist of the game. I stopped the game, by substituting me with a friend, so that I went around to look for that ball, alone. In between the game, I paused them and ask for their favor, however, they seem "don't give me a problem". But, my friends just keeping quiet. So, what I should do, just give my contact number to one of the people playing the basketball. I had no choice, looking around again before I get in the car without saying goodbye. I don't want such situation (I meant complication among people) burden me again, that's why the title is that.

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Now I'm starting to scared, worried about my result won't be good. In fact, I'm truly envy those who graduated with flying colours results, feel useless for not making my parents proud :( Or should I say I'm just unlucky? As in not making or encounter any good friends that would be somebody that give positive support, motivating and showing right path to me that finally lead us to success. In fact, study really take a long process to see the outcomes. Sometimes along the way, I would not know whether what I'm doing is right and worth..Always thinking why am I doing the hard way while  others doing an easier way? It starts making doubt at myself. Realizing what I should do was broaden my view, instead of confining into my own world, I should expose myself into more things that I do not know and learn from them.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Saturday, May 12, 2012