Tuesday, January 4, 2011


A new start, everything will be better. Striking all the way hard, eventhough it will be a bit thougher at the begining. Just maintain. Aiks, somehow felt fed-up with parasitology lectures, a lengthy memorizing stuff. Booooooooooring. What to do, can't ignore...the suffer will be waiting at the END. Management stuff.....haiz, get those done fast...!!!! Yet yet yet, what I really mind of the little stuff is eeeeiiiim, THE CREATURE. Speechless, wonder y he won't feel tired having such meangless cold war???? What I have done, just done. Damn it, does he have psycological disturbance??? The most ironical thing is, he still staying here.

1 comment:

  1. parasitology lectures??
    psycological disturbance?!
    haha..bro da way is express darn unique a~ XD
    c'mon write more blog if u free!
    waiting 4 ur new update feels like forever..zz..
